Business Incentives

Village of Middlefield and Geauga County

Geauga County and the Village of Middlefield offer additional economic incentives of their own. The Geauga County Community and Economic Development develops and implements strategies and programs to retain and expand county businesses and increase jobs. The Geauga Community and Economic Development Department administers the Geauga Revolving Loan Fund, and the Village of Middlefield Economic Development Department manages the Middlefield Local Revolving Loan Fund Program, and tax abatement (property and income) programs.

State of Ohio

Ohio Development of Development offers a host of tax incentives, loans and grants that businesses and industries can tap into.

Additional Private/Non-Profit Economic Development Agencies that are able to assist your business.

JobsOhio – JobsOhio is a private, non-profit economic development organization that helps businesses relocate, expand, and prosper in Ohio. Decision makers worldwide are partnering with JobsOhio because they want an economic development partner that’s flexible and responsive. The proactive, business-minded industry experts at JobsOhio are uniquely-qualified to help businesses grow and succeed. Our mission to accelerate job growth and increase capital investment echoes throughout all of our programs and is aimed at businesses of all sizes.

TeamNEO – Team NEO The Northeast Ohio Region -is a regional, private-sector organization that markets Northeast Ohio to the world and collaborates with its partners and others to attract new businesses, help those that are here grow, and accelerate the pace and impact of innovation in the region. Learn more about our organization and our passionate and driven team.

Geauga Growth Partnership –  GGP is a private – public partnership committed to growing the economy and community of Geauga County. The Partnership was created in 2010 by Geauga County business, professional and civic leaders to build upon the County’s remarkable assets. Geauga’s people, businesses and quality of life make the County a wonderful place to live and work. To make the most of these outstanding resources, the Partnership assists Geauga companies as they face challenges, engage opportunities and build collaborations to pursue common interests.

Additional resources and contacts can be found by clicking here.